Ofcom, the Office of Communications, is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries, with responsibilities across television, radio, telecommunications and wireless communications services. If you’d like to complain about anything you hear on FUSE FM Ballymoney Community Radio you can contact the management (email info@fusefmballymoney.com) or Ofcom.
Ofcom Localness Guidelines
Ofcom issues Guidelines defining what it terms “localness” for the local radio stations it licenses. You can read them on the Ofcom website at this address: http://www.ofcom.org.uk/radio/ifi/rbl/car/localness/
Local production
FUSE FM Ballymoney Community Radio broadcasts around 80 hours per week of locally-originated programmes, some of which are repeated at other times. In addition, FUSE FM Ballymoney Community Radio, has outside broadcast facilities for community events and shows. FUSE FM Ballymoney Community Radio does also commission or accept radio programmes from other sources for broadcast on an ad-hoc basis.
Automation & local programming
When FUSE FMBallymoney Community Radio is not broadcasting live then an automation system is used. The automated output includes re-broadcasting of locally produced programmes and music playlists. FUSE FM Ballymoney Community Radio does not use a sustaining service from any other provider.